Mercedes-Benz Revealed The Plan to Compete with Tesla at CES-2023

As per the latest discussion with Mercedex-Benz at CES 2023 event, which is going on in Las Vegas, the company revealed their idea to set up their network of charging stations in North America. They also added that it is to compete with Tesla in the EV segment.

As per 2022 EV sales data, currently, Tesla is a world leader in the fully electric vehicles segment whereas Mercedez-Benz is tightening its shoes to compete with them. The German automaker is planning to establish a network of EV charging stations by setting up 400 charging stations across North America.

The company spokesperson also added that China and Europe region will also be following the same plan. Across the 400 charging stations, there will be a total of 2500 high-powered electric plugs to get your EV charged.

It is expected that the cost of setting up the network will be more than $1.05 billion and it will take approximately 6-7 years to achieve this milestone.

A similar EV charging stations network will be established in China and Europe as well. The company is planning that, by the year 2030, Mercedes-Benz will have a huge network of charging stations across the globe. The network will be having 2000 EV charging stations and more than 10000 electric power plugs.

Mercedes-Benz charging stations will be open to all EV owners, but preference will be given to Mercedes-Benz car owners.

The plan to set up a network of Mercedes-branded EV charging stations is a direct move to compete with Tesla.

As per Tesla’s official website, they have more than 40000 charging stations across the globe, and those are exclusively for Tesla car owners. Elon Musk also shared his views of opening their Tesla EV charging stations for all EV owners, but the huge network of charging stations gives the company a competitive advantage over other EV Automakers.

When were the sales of Mercedes-Benz in 2022?

As per EV Volume, Mercedes-Benz group stands in 8th position and Tesla stands in 2nd position after BYD. Mercedes-Benz managed to sell approximately 1,50,000 units of electric vehicles in the year 2022. The data includes both BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) and PHEV (Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle). As per the shared data, the PHEV unit sales were more than BEV.

What are current EVs by Mercedes-Benz?

Mercedez Benz has launched multiple EVs since 2019 with EQ series. They are following.

  1. EQC
  2. EQV
  3. EQA
  4. EQB
  5. EQS
  6. EQE
  7. EQG
  8. EQT

What are the future plans of Mercedes-Benz in EVs?

Mercedes-Benz has plans to go all-electric vehicles by the end of 2030. The company will abandon all its sales of fossil fuel-powered vehicles except in the very small market where EV charging stations infrastructure is difficult. The company’s CEO Ola Kallenius mentioned that they will move entirely to BEV. The company is also expecting that 50% of sales volume will be in either BEVs or PHEVs by the year 2025.

Final Words

As EV adoption is increasing with time, Mercedes-Benz is also moving in its direction and gearing up towards setting up the infrastructure to sustain EVs worldwide. Charging Station infrastructure is the major challenge in the adoption and sales of EVs, the company is surely going to attract more consumers once its charging station network is ready in North America, China, and Europe.

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