Tremendous Growth in EV Charging Network Across The UK – Know More

As per the latest news from ZAP-MAP, the electric vehicle charging network has shown tremendous growth. EV Charging network has increased by 80 percent in 2022. ZAP-MAP revealed that there are 2295 charging stations currently in the UK.

From December 2021, the UK has established 106 charging hubs in the country. These were high-speed charging hubs.

During the last year, there were 1290 high-speed EV charging stations across the country in December 2021, which has increased to 2295 in December 2022.

What are the services by ZAP-MAP for EVs in the UK?

ZAP-MAP is a UK-based company, that provides services related to Electric Vehicles. They have a database of EV charging station points across the UK and allow EV owners to locate the charging stations through their applications.

As per the ZAP-MAP data, there are more than 35000 electric charging points across the UK.

What are the different types of EV Charging Points across the UK?

Recent growing data is showing that there are four different types of charging points.

  • Ultra Rapid Charging Point.
  • Rapid Charging Point.
  • Fast Charging Point.
  • Slow Charging Point

Ultra-Rapid charging points support a maximum power of 350 kW and have grown by 78 percent.

Rapid charging points support a maximum power of 99 kW and have grown by 19 percent.

Fast charging points support a maximum power of 22 kW and have grown by 34 percent.

Slow charging points support a maximum power of 6 kW and have grown by 23 percent.

What are major EV charging networks across the UK?

There are majorly three electric charging networks across the UK for Ultra-Rapid charging hubs

  • MFG EV Power
  • GRIDSERVE Electric Highway
  • Osprey

All these networks have shown tremendous growth during 2022.

What is the future of EV Charging networks across the UK?

ZAP-MAP officials revealed that the UK will be needing different types of charging solutions in the coming years. These charging solutions would be able to use for different types of vehicles.

Many of the on-street EV charging points support, either slow or fast charging, instead of that, it would be better to provide the facilities to get the EV charged at home.

Final Words

As the number of EVs are increasing in the UK, more charging stations are required to provide a long-run journey in EVs. It is evident from the ZAP-MAP report that, charging station networks are expanding throughout the country, which will surely be going help EV consumers.

Of course, it will help riders to move from fossil fuel-powered vehicles and electrically powered vehicles in a longer journey as well.

2 thoughts on “Tremendous Growth in EV Charging Network Across The UK – Know More”

  1. What’s the breakdown on numbers between, Ultra, Rapid, Fast and slow?
    A 78% increase in Ultra sounds great, but an increase from 10 to 18 isn’t brilliant.
    Yes, I know those aren’t the numbers

    • From ZAP-MAP data, these percentage numbers are representing increase in charging points of that particular charger type. And I agree, 78% in Ultra-Rapid category is really great!


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